8 Content Marketing Trends in 2023 for Your Business

In this digital era, you must stay current with the constantly shifting content landscape. What was successful last year might not be sufficient to advance in 2023. That’s what you need to know about content marketing trends that will blow up your business. Especially ChatGPT and AI are more advanced.

This year, we’re dealing with a constantly evolving digital environment, technologies that could change the way we think, and more. A mix of rising customer demand, the convergence of search and content, and knowledge of AI make 2023 a difficult yet advantageous year for content marketers. Quality and useful content are becoming the top priorities as the demand for content reaches an all-time high.

So that’s why we give you some content marketing trends in 2023 for your business. Keep reading!

Facts and Statistics About Content Marketing Trends

Before we talk about some content marketing trends for your business, you might want to know some facts and statistics about them. Here is the data, according to Hubspot:

  • Sales, site traffic, and social interaction are considered by marketers to be the most important measures for gauging the success of their content marketing plan.
  • Video is used as a marketing tool by 91% of companies.
  • Facebook is the most used social media platform for marketers by 67%, followed by Instagram at 65%
  • The two most popular content forms used by B2C marketers over the past twelve months were short articles, or posts, and videos.
  • According to 22% of marketers, Instagram will have the greatest potential for the development of any platform in 2023.
  • In 2022, Instagram was rated as Gen Z’s preferred social media platform.
  • 50% of Millennials believe influencer recommendations for products to be reliable.
  • According to 44% of marketers, working with small influencers is more affordable

Why is Content Marketing So Important?

8 Content Marketing Trends in 2023 for Your Business
8 Content Marketing Trends in 2023 for Your Business

Content marketing serves as a comprehensive consumer acquisition method in many ways. It increases traffic, creates a sense of trust and authority, and brings in money. The reason why content marketing is so crucial and effective is that it draws customers in at every stage of the sales process. When visitors are at the very top of the sales funnel, before they ever consider making a purchase, you may draw them in with content marketing.

A fantastic piece of content often marks the beginning of your relationship with a customer, and that material will stick with them throughout the entire customer journey. Even with good content marketing trends and campaigns, you’ll get more ROI (Return On Investment). The fact is that 82% of marketers continue to make active investments in content marketing. That’s why you ought to, too.

Content Marketing Trends in 2023 for Your Business

Now that you know why content marketing is so important, let’s talk about content marketing trends in 2023 for your business. Please note that these trends are based on marketing experience in previous years.

Short-form Videos

Let’s say reels from Instagram and TikTok have made short-form videos go crazy for social media users. 73% of social media users prefer to watch short-form videos to learn about a service or product; this is consistent with the types of videos that consumers like to view.

Due to this shift in consumer behavior, short-form videos have become the main media format for all content strategies for the past four years. The most well-liked marketing trend, the one with the best return on investment, and the one that will expand the most in 2023 is a short-form video. More than any other trend, marketers want to invest more in short-form films.

Read more: 10 Best Technology To Build Website

Social Media is For Gen Z

The best way to connect with Gen Z consumers is through social media. We discovered that 93% of Gen Z spend an average of four hours per day on social media and that 57% of them recently used social media to learn about a new product.

In addition, 28% of Gen Z customers purchased something from a social media app. In addition, Gen Z consumers prefer to find new items via social media, which is the marketing medium they use most frequently. Social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok are the most used by them. So, if your target audiences are young or Gen Z, you might want to try this content marketing trend.

Relatable Content

This content marketing trend is related to the previous two. Most of the video content that goes viral on social media uses the word “POV” or point of view. Later, the person in the video will make content that relates to the way we live. Believe it or not, most people love this relatable content.

According to Hubspot, relatable content will experience tremendous growth in that year. 49% of those who use it intend to raise their investment, while 43% intend to maintain their current level. Additionally, in 2023, investment in humorous content will rank second among all content types, and 33% of social media marketers want to utilize it for the first time in 2019.

Influencer Marketing

According to the Digital Marketing Institute, nearly half of shoppers rely on influencer recommendations when choosing the products they want to buy. Additionally, by using this content marketing trend, you’ll get a higher ROI. Because this has the second-highest ROI of any trend.

Did you know that most people ask for advice before making purchases? And surprisingly, sometimes they prefer counsel from people they can relate to. This means that you should not be hesitant to rely on influencers if you are unsure of what is popular with audiences or what is generating the most laughs this year.

Influencers regularly engage with what their audience cares about and finds funny, in addition to being relatable. Plus, it’s also the way to go if you want to humanize your business and establish a stronger bond with customers.

8 Content Marketing Trends in 2023 for Your Business
8 Content Marketing Trends in 2023 for Your Business

Brand’s Value

A survey done by Google Cloud found that 82% of consumers want a brand’s value to match their own. Also, 75% of them would stop supporting a brand if their beliefs clashed. Harsh, isn’t it?

The fact is, modern consumers aren’t only searching for deals or convenience; they also want to feel good about giving their money to a business that shares their beliefs. They are interested in how businesses handle their resources and whether materials are sourced ethically. So if you want to use this content marketing trend, you have to put your brand’s value into ads and any other media promotion. 

Strategic SEO

Yes, SEO will still be one of those content marketing trends in 2023. Because in reality, 29% of marketers use a website to promote their business, draw in customers, and even convert leads. You have nothing to lose if you invest your money in SEO. In fact, SEO has the fourth-highest ROI for your business.

Human Content First, AI Later

As mentioned before, in this digital era, we have to face AI and ChatGPT in content marketing trends. With AI-generated content at our fingertips, anyone can produce more material faster, which is why ChatGPT is making headlines in the world of content marketing. But fear not, because you don’t have to give up on writing and only focus on those two.

Instead, you can make use of it. By producing high-quality content that’s effective enough to cut through it. The introduction of ChatGPT will indeed make AI-assisted content production a major player in 2023. Even your website will be able to produce content more quickly and easily to increase traffic. 

But there is a drawback. Mass quantities of unoriginal, unreliable, and misleading content will be produced. More than ever, human-researched, exceptional content will stand out. Sounds good, right?

Don’t Forget Click-through Rates 

One more trend in content marketing is click-through rates. You have to think about how search engines work to respond to queries from users more effectively. They might not be as motivated to go through to the actual pages as they once were as a result.

Instead, advertise your content on major tech platforms like Google Ads or social media, where your audience is most likely to connect with it. Such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and many more. Your choice.

Read more: Digital Marketing Is A New Trend For Business in 2023


As a marketer or business owner, you have to keep up with the latest content marketing trends. Knowing these trends will help you stay informed about what’s occurring in your sector, which is something you should constantly do. If you decide to use one of these trends in your marketing strategy, make sure it is appropriate for your company’s needs and will aid in your objectives. So, use it wisely!

Shirley c.w

My name is Shirley CW,- SEO Content Writer, Social Media Officer || Freelance Content Writer, Content Editor & Translator.

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